CityofToronto / bdit_volumes

Traffic Volumes Modelling Project
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Develop Automated Process for Identifying Bad Count Data #23

Closed aharpalaniTO closed 7 years ago

aharpalaniTO commented 7 years ago

Script written in Postgres for identifying counts (unique combination of arterycode, count_date) for investigation. Unclear whether this will be also involve removal of records from centreline_volumes or whether we pass on to Trevor's team (contingent on implementation of #22).

aharpalaniTO commented 7 years ago

@aharpalaniTO to review README, @sunnyqywang to continue working through identifying bad data

aharpalaniTO commented 7 years ago

@aharpalaniTO to provide @sunnyqywang with a list of wavetronics unit artery codes for removal (for now).

aharpalaniTO commented 7 years ago

@sunnyqywang to create process for determining bad TMC counts and throwing htem out.

aharpalaniTO commented 7 years ago

@sunnyqywang developed a process for flagging and removing anomalous TMC count data.

aharpalaniTO commented 7 years ago

Will continue to improve when anomalies are detected; but issue is effectively closed.