CityofToronto / bdit_volumes

Traffic Volumes Modelling Project
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Develop method for identifying centreline segments that should share identical volume profiles #24

Open aharpalaniTO opened 7 years ago

aharpalaniTO commented 7 years ago

This involves some sort of GIS process for identifying segments that are split by non-road links, and therefore should have volume profiles that are identical or near-identical.

Ideally, this should implemented as a function in PostGIS with a call similar to the following: share_profile(_centreline_id1, _centreline_id2) returns (TRUE, FALSE) and then further scaled up to apply to all count data.

Alternative ideas or implementations welcome.

jwrcoleman commented 7 years ago

One idea: merge segments by corridor, and then re-split by streets >= collector roads.

aharpalaniTO commented 7 years ago

This is complete. Logic for identifying whether two centreline_ids share same profile implemented in Postgres; aggregate grouping of all segments implemented in Python. @aharpalaniTO to review later.

aharpalaniTO commented 7 years ago

@sunnyqywang Some additional commenting in SQL script here on step-by-step process.

Will close issue after complete.