CityofToronto / bdit_volumes

Traffic Volumes Modelling Project
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Create additional intermediate table to map node-based artery codes to TCL segments (related to #2) #7

Closed aharpalaniTO closed 7 years ago

aharpalaniTO commented 7 years ago

Present thinking is that this will consist of five steps:

  1. Automated assignment of N, E, S, and W legs of intersection to specific TCL segments based on spatial distance to node and azimuth of segment relative to node (done)

  2. Identification and "correction" of segments where the assigned direction is likely to be misaligned with that reflected in the turning movement count data (i.e. Kingston Rd.) (hopefully automated - to be looked at)

  3. Additional segment corrections that are not picked up by the automated process in steps 1 and 2 (lookup table manually created - not done yet)

  4. Translation of the results from 1, 2, and 3 into a detailed intemediate table that maps each (artery code-turning movement) combination to a (TCL from segment) and (TCL to segment) - (automated process, to be developed)

  5. Result set from 4 is updated using a seperate table consisting of manual changes that reflect "strange" intersections (i.e. Lakeshore and Lower Spadina). - (manual process, to developed)

The table I envision looks something like this:

artery code movement tcl_from_segment tcl_to_segment
5604 north_l 1235461 12348687
5604 north_t 1235461 186532
5604 north_r 1235461 832453
5604 east_l 12348687 186532
... ... ... ...
5801 north_l 83612 654123
aharpalaniTO commented 7 years ago

Have addressed Step 4 through creation of prj_volume.tmc_turns. Does not account for directionality of segment at the moment. Need to still build "manual mappings" table, subsequent update script, and porting over to final volumes table.

aharpalaniTO commented 7 years ago

Addressed through prj_volume.tmc_turns_corr.