CityofToronto / bdit_volumes

Traffic Volumes Modelling Project
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Geocode variable type error #79

Open iammattlee opened 1 year ago

iammattlee commented 1 year ago

When running, the script encounters an error with the s1 and s2 variables in as shown below:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 110, in <module>
    newmatch = pfd.arterycode_matching() ## comment this line out to skip arterycode matching process
  File "", line 39, in arterycode_matching
  File "./flow_data_processing/arterycode_mapping/", line 232, in geocode_match
  File "./flow_data_processing/arterycode_mapping/", line 151, in geocode_points
    f = Geocode(db,ac,s1,s2)
  File "./flow_data_processing/arterycode_mapping/", line 29, in Geocode
    (add,lat,lon) = AF.geocode(s1+' and '+s2)
TypeError: must be str, not NoneType