CivClassic / ExilePearl

For when you really just don't want that dude HERE but don't care if he plays - Paper plugin built for 1.16.5 Minecraft - Anti-grief tool built for players, not mods.
MIT License
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Exiled player able to walk into exile field. Upon being killed, game says pearl is held by another exiled player. #43

Open aimuari opened 6 years ago

aimuari commented 6 years ago

Concerning the attack on Pinkerton near -6372 1917 on 19 to 20 May 2018.

Capri has been pearled for several months, RasionRulings was pearled on the evening of the 19th.

RasionRulings's pearl was placed in a reinforced chest nearby. However, he was able to approach and enter the exclusion radius of the pearl. When killed, RasionRulings's death message said that the pearl was held by Capri. This can't possibly be true, since Capri is pearled, I saw him die repeatedly right in front of me, and I confirmed the location of the pearl.

After killing RasionRulings several times, I got the same message -- pearl being held by capri. We decided to upgrade the exile pearl to a prison pearl to prevent him from helping his compatriots.

I can provide specific game logs and specific coordinates upon request.

aimuari commented 6 years ago

Aimuari: I just replicated the exile pearl exclusion area bug. If a person is exiled, then another exiled player tries to pick up the pearl, the pearl will stay in the chest but the pearl location notifications will follow the other exiled player as though the exiled player was holding the first player's exile pearl. Additionally, since the game thinks the exiled player is holding the pearl, I can enter the exclusion area despite the fact that the pearl is chested. This is a catastrophic bug because it means malicious players can spoof the locations of pearls and prevent finding the true location of the pearl.

Additional details available upon request. I'm generally available to replicate it with you if need be.