Replace "create printing plate" with the following two paths:
Create copy plate- creates a printing plate that will mark the originality of the book used for creation. books printed with a copy plate will be printed with the next lowest originality as if copied in vanilla (Original > Copy of Original > Copy of Copy)
Create Mint plate- creates a printing plate that will add the lore of the printing plate to the printed book as a "mint ID" similar to a secure note. Original will create an original with lore, and plates created from minted books should follow the vanilla copy tree from that point.
Replace "create printing plate" with the following two paths:
Create copy plate- creates a printing plate that will mark the originality of the book used for creation. books printed with a copy plate will be printed with the next lowest originality as if copied in vanilla (Original > Copy of Original > Copy of Copy)
Create Mint plate- creates a printing plate that will add the lore of the printing plate to the printed book as a "mint ID" similar to a secure note. Original will create an original with lore, and plates created from minted books should follow the vanilla copy tree from that point.