CivClassic / ItemExchange

ItemExchange is a Minecraft plugin that allows players to make shops to physically buy and sell items. Built for Paper 1.16.5
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Bug fixes, clean up, and upgrades #5

Closed Protonull closed 5 years ago

Protonull commented 5 years ago

This does not update the plugin to using CivModCore, that will be done at a later stage. This is instead a list of general improvements.

  1. /iec input and /iec output and be shortened to /iec in, /iec i and /iec out, /iec o respectively.

  2. Splash Potions and Lingering Potions now display correctly in the shop GUI

  3. Cleaned up old code and comments that convey a lack of support for potions

  4. Coloured display names will no longer bleed out of their quotations.

  5. Improved the materials.csv and enchantments.csv to bring them up to date.

  6. Fixed the bug preventing players from creating exchange rules for Water Bottles, Awkward Potions, and other potion types without effects.

  7. Fixed item matching so exclusive and excluded enchantments are now respected.

Maxopoly commented 5 years ago

Minor complaints, aside from that it looks good. I assume you tested it?