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Don't include item lore in wordbanks #377

Open okx-code opened 3 months ago

okx-code commented 3 months ago

It makes them too easy

I liked the new implementation of wordbank because it was an interesting tradeoff - use common items for more possibilities, or use rarer items for a higher price but more unique wordbanks and less chance of others discovering it. But making lore part of wordbank defeats that, as you can use a single bottle of xp to rename any item to an undiscoverable password.

AngrySoundTech commented 3 months ago

Instead of outright removing, can we add a config option to feature flag it? This would let future servers use the functionality they want to, and isn't much of a maintenance burden.

AngrySoundTech commented 3 months ago

We can also consider the config ability to blacklist certain items, and configure it so that ones with high nbt cardinality/randomization are blacklisted.

ShadedJon commented 3 months ago

It makes them too easy

Wordbank is primarily a wealth sink. It is not meant to be hard, it is not meant to be challenging.

Wealth in, cosmetic out. Arguing that a wealth sink is too easy to use, is extremely backwards.

With the cost of wordbanks, once you hit 10 different items even with a limited quantity of item, the chance of collision with another person's generation goes to effectively 0. So even that isn't really a good argument because the amount of entropy allowed is huge.

Removing lore would make the next most effective strategy of producing a lot of wordbanks simply botting and using a macro, which cuts out more casual players from a wealth sink.

Not to mention this suggestion is a breaking change to a vast amount of wordbanks already created, I don't see it as feasible to possibly implement on CivMC at this point.