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Way to visualize bastion and snitch fields in-game #380

Open AngrySoundTech opened 3 months ago

AngrySoundTech commented 3 months ago

Similar to worldborder visualization, probably using the same plugin.

drekamor commented 3 months ago

With the amount of bastions and snitches in certain areas (cities/vaults) this might cause server lag (just a guess, correct me if I'm wrong) and client fps lag (I'm almost certain about this considering the number of particles)

COSMOJYNX commented 3 months ago

Id recommend having a toggleable option in /config or a command to visualize a snitch and bastion fields

awoo-civ commented 3 months ago

Getting to actually know where my bastions are would be a good first step :)

awoo-civ commented 3 months ago

So the /ja command shows a list of nearby snitches, so perhaps when clicking on a listed snitch, the visualization of its block and field would appear? An equivalent command could be added for bastions.

And/or perhaps a mode to show the fields and blocks of snitches and/or bastion fields, but only as long as you're in their range?

Gjum commented 3 months ago

If particles end up being too resource intensive, consider glowing stick items:

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