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Snitches not going off at all. Server might just need a restart. #59

Closed kujukuju closed 8 years ago

ProgrammerDan commented 8 years ago

Which server?

kujukuju commented 8 years ago

The shard is Aleph. The server address is

awoo-civ commented 8 years ago

It's happening to me and multiple other people in my group as well, in Bet. We have snitches in Bet and Gimmel, and can't see reports from either of the shards while being in Bet.

The problem first started after I'd logged in at 2016-03-11 ~20:52 UTC and it's been fairly inconsistent in when it happens. For example, the latest server restart on 2016-03-12 ~16:55 has fixed it, but I've stopped receiving snitch reports after 2016-03-13 00:46:42

Additionally, when snitches are bugged, going from Bet to Gimmel unbugs Bet snitches for me as long as I stay in Gimmel. I'm not sure if it unbugs Gimmel snitches however.

ProgrammerDan commented 8 years ago

Thanks guys, I'll see what I can do to track this down.

kujukuju commented 8 years ago

I haven't confirmed this but I think snitches work again after you log out and back in. Someone should verify and report back.

awoo-civ commented 8 years ago

@TrentWDB Nope, logging in/out, even multiple times, doesn't fix it.

ProgrammerDan commented 8 years ago

Yeah, it won't ... I think I found the issue. Working on a fix right now. Thanks again for the reports, folks.

awoo-civ commented 8 years ago

The issue is still there. The most recent server restart has fixed it for a couple of minutes, but then it bugged out again.

ProgrammerDan commented 8 years ago

Yeah. I have to dig deeper. Further into the matrix ....

ProgrammerDan commented 8 years ago

@Lcth and @TrentWDB Still occurring? Any better?

Please let me know the name of the groups your snitches are on, that aren't working.

awoo-civ commented 8 years ago

@ProgrammerDan No change as far as I can tell. I'll PM you the group names on reddit.

ProgrammerDan commented 8 years ago

Thank you, that'll be helpful.

ProgrammerDan commented 8 years ago

@Lcth Still no luck?

Can you measure for me approximately how long they work before they "stop" working? Does changing shards start them working again?

kujukuju commented 8 years ago

Maybe it's relevant that this bug isn't per group, its per person. A few days ago Syril couldn't see the Meridian snitches while I (Bunnub) who just logged on could see them. I haven't noticed this glitch happening the last day or two but that being said it's not very common.

Off topic but check modmail please - jo_rey and I were mysteriously banned, lol.

ProgrammerDan commented 8 years ago

Sorry, modmail queue is very long. We're sorting through it.

I think I have an idea what's causing this issue, thanks -- I had also begun to suspect that it was a per-user problem, because of certain errors being thrown and (now) captured.

awoo-civ commented 8 years ago

@ProgrammerDan I found out something interesting while looking through my chat logs:

On the day snitches started bugging out the server suddenly shut down, in what I'm assuming was a crash. 20 minutes after it came back online, snitches broke for the first time. Maybe the crash corrupted data of users who were online at the time?


2016-03-11 (UTC) 16:12 - Restart 16:45 - Restart (no warning, likely a crash) 17:44 - Last snitch notification

2016-03-12 16:54 Restart 17:38 Last snitch notification

2016-03-13 18:54 Restart 19:23 Last snitch notification

2016-03-14 01:51 Restart 02:22 Last snitch notification

These are the only clear restart/last notification pairs i could find.

As for shard borders, it's still the same. If I go from Bet to Gimmel while snitches are bugged, I start receiving snitch notifications from Bet. However, it bugs out again once I come back to Bet.

ProgrammerDan commented 8 years ago

So... this definitely helps tie things together for me. I've added all sorts of null traps and introspection; and I know the groups that are causing things to fail.

This would explain why those groups were screwed up, potentially.

ProgrammerDan commented 8 years ago

@Lcth or @TrentWDB can you confirm issue is still presenting?

kujukuju commented 8 years ago

I would, but I'm banned. ;P

ProgrammerDan commented 8 years ago

RIP forgot about that. @Lcth up to you then!

awoo-civ commented 8 years ago

@ProgrammerDan So far snitches have been working. Good job :)

ProgrammerDan commented 8 years ago

Okay great. Let me know if that changes!

ttk2 commented 8 years ago

closing for now then.