Civcraft / RealisticBiomes

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Harvestspam #55

Closed benjajaja closed 8 years ago

benjajaja commented 8 years ago

suppress chat spam when harvesting and clicking (fish drop rates)

CivcraftBot commented 8 years ago

Can one of the admins verify this patch? Type 'ok to test' to test.

benjajaja commented 8 years ago

ok to test

benjajaja commented 8 years ago

@rourke750 does this ok to test do anything? just curious :)

ttk2 commented 8 years ago

not on this repo, probably not setup.

rourke750 commented 8 years ago

ok to test

benjajaja commented 8 years ago

ah migo, it must be a jenkins permission thing then.

ProgrammerDan commented 8 years ago

So how does this prevent spam? I think I'm missing something. There's no rate limiting?

benjajaja commented 8 years ago

It cancels chat spam if the block being hit is the block that grows from the item. We already had the stuff mapped, e.g. seeds AND wheat item both map to crops block. It works, I tested locally.

ttk2 commented 8 years ago

so merge and put on Civtest? what about that tree growth problem?

benjajaja commented 8 years ago

The tree thing is something different, I'm gonna open an issue for that.

ttk2 commented 8 years ago

ok to test

ProgrammerDan commented 8 years ago

@gipsy-king Nicely done then, elegant.

ttk2 commented 8 years ago

should I roll this live?

benjajaja commented 8 years ago

Better put it on civtest for a day, it's nothing urgent anyway.

ttk2 commented 8 years ago

up on Civtest.

ttk2 commented 8 years ago

did anyone ever test this? I would love to roll it online

benjajaja commented 8 years ago

Yeah I did at least :heart: also the "unhappy villager effect" when planting in wrong conditions, the same, shoudl be safe to put online.