Civcraft / RealisticBiomes

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give player visual feedback if a plant will not grow at placement #58

Closed benjajaja closed 8 years ago

benjajaja commented 8 years ago

If the plant growth is zero, then an "angry villager / thundercloud" effect is played near the player. This should give newfriends a hint.

@rourke750 I changed dep from bukkit to spigot as needed for the Effect, I don't know if it that's right with jenkins setup though, care to take a glance?

CivcraftBot commented 8 years ago

Can one of the admins verify this patch? Type 'ok to test' to test.

rourke750 commented 8 years ago

That's fine. Very few servers use CraftBukkit anyways.

ttk2 commented 8 years ago

A text message might also be nice.

ttk2 commented 8 years ago

but that would be Civmenu's job I think.

benjajaja commented 8 years ago

Could that be too spammy in some scenarios? I can only imagine for example using cacti as deco, wouldn't bother much.

ttk2 commented 8 years ago

that's why we want Civmenu to handle things like this, because it would keep track of how often the message had been sent in the past and mute it once it happened enough times to assume the player knew.

Or allow muting of that individual notification and no others. You see why it needs to be a different plugin handling this, too much to throw into RB and then duplicate in every plugin for tutorial messages like this.

benjajaja commented 8 years ago

Yea I'm all in for it.