Civcraft / RealisticBiomes

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Sugarcane always grows straight to third stage (in correct time), never is in second #89

Closed benjajaja closed 7 years ago

benjajaja commented 7 years ago

If one sugarcane is in a spot that says 24h to grow, it will straight grow to three blocks when 24 h have passed. It does not grow to two blocks in 12h.

Not tested with cactus but they have the same behaviour so 99% sure the same happens. It is important though, that cactus farms always harvest at half time, so those take twice as long as they should right now.

Not a huge issue because it ends up growing in correct time, but it should be addressed. Cactus farms will produce twice as fast when fixed, and automatic sugarcane farms too (although there aren't probably many in 3.0 since they require pistons).