Civcraft / RealisticBiomes

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add /rb command to show GUI of growth/spawn rates #94

Open benjajaja opened 7 years ago

benjajaja commented 7 years ago

not showing fishing drops yet

CivcraftBot commented 7 years ago

Can one of the admins verify this patch? Type 'ok to test' to test.

Maxopoly commented 7 years ago

Looks cool, I'll compile it and take a look later

Maxopoly commented 7 years ago

So on the gui itself, it looks good overall, a few thoughts though:

I would recommend against using stacksize to indicate percentage chances and growth times. It's very confusing, because it gives things that dont grow at all an amount of 0, which looks ugly and seems to be less than something with an amount of 1, even though it isnt. Also for percentage chances less is worse and for persistence it's better, but both are in the same GUI, which might be confusing.

Also using mob eggs to visualize animal rates is a good idea, but you seem to have messed up the nbt tags, because all the eggs are white (

benjajaja commented 7 years ago

But the red zero gives a quick way to see what does not grow at all. I find it very useful, actually. Otherwise you'd have to hover over each plant individually, which seems quite annoying to me.

The one thing I don't like is that I can't show percentage or growth time over 64 because of stack size limit.

What do you think of compromising, and keep showing the zeros, but for anything that does grow, just show a normal (amount:1) stack? That way you can quickly see what grows and what not, and to find details you can then hover or click to see more.

And regarding the eggs - whenever I set or add lore to a spawnegg, it loses it's custom appearance. I've exhausted my bukkit-fu trying with the normal API, and I am not very keen on using NBT-version-specific crap.

Thanks for the review!

walkersgaming commented 7 years ago

Visually looks great, if you do the compromise you mentioned above, you may aswell only display what does grow and hover for their rates.

ProgrammerDan commented 7 years ago

@gipsy-king look at what I did to fix spawn eggs in ArthropodEgg for 1.9 / 1.10 -- probably the same would work here. You can probably just copy the code.