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Set up recurring retrospective #88

Closed lukefretwell closed 3 years ago

lukefretwell commented 3 years ago
dmundra commented 3 years ago

Following your lead, we could use a GitHub "project" to have columns for 'Acknowledgements', 'What's working', 'What needs improvement', 'Ideas'.

We could also do something different. Here is a link to ideas For this project from that list I would suggest:

We should definitely create action items, vote on them, and turn them into issues in the main project backlog with assignments.

dmundra commented 3 years ago

@lukefretwell here is the project board I created with the columns and format set up:

How does it look?

lukefretwell commented 3 years ago

@dmundra this is great.


dmundra commented 3 years ago

Thanks @lukefretwell.


  • Label the board as 'CivicActions Retrospective #1.' That way, we can document each one and anyone can go back a look at it, see what was done.


  • Should we create a 'Set up retrospective' issue template?

Maybe not for right now. We can copy projects but it won't copy the columns or notes also this format is not set in stone so then it could change.

  • I'm interested to see how the loved/loathed approach works. I'm not sure where to address issues like "how do we get more people involved" in this framework, but perhaps once we go through the actual retrospective, I'll grok more. My fear is that there's a tendency to treat retrospectives with kid gloves and they lose their purpose of getting the team to be more effective.

I am also interested in seeing how it will be used. I think not allowing retrospectives to get stale/repetitive is a possible cure. I keep this anti-pattern list in mind when reviewing retrospective effectiveness.

  • We should make this async and push out to the group with instructions perhaps the Monday before the retro so that we can be as inclusive as possible.

That would be good and something we can add to the columns if it worked or didn't.

  • Might be fun and aligned with the spirit of openness to create a /retrospectives page that documents our approach/instructions with links to the retrospectives. If we do this, this is what I'd share with the team before the first one.

I have a column right now that tries to capture the approach/instructions which is handy to both the facilitator and the group, especially since this will be async and the user doesn't have to switch between tabs/windows. Let's experiment with this and then document how it goes, similar to the issue template.