Cl0udG0d / Fofa-hack

GNU General Public License v2.0
556 stars 99 forks source link

Seems like it's not working #40

Closed fatmeat closed 10 months ago

fatmeat commented 10 months ago

I can search in the web portal but the python script just show error "error:list index out of range"

         ____  ____  ____  ____
        | ===|/ () \| ===|/ () \
        |__|  \____/|__| /__/\__\
             _   _   ____   ____  __  __
            | |_| | / () \ / (__`|  |/  /
            |_| |_|/__/\__\\____)|__|\__\ V2.3.6

            公众号: 黑糖安全

[] LEVEL = 1 , 初始化成功 [] 爬取延时: 3s [] 爬取关键字: "thinkphp" [] 爬取结束数量: 100 [] 输出格式为: txt [] 存储文件名: facc36ec160014e8e39a4bf2c3736e1f_1692280744.txt [] 是否开启关键字fuzz: False [] 是否开启代理: False [*] 不从文件中读取

[] 开始运行 [] 爬取页面为: [-] error:list index out of range [] 存在数量:0 无搜索结果 [] 抓取结束,共抓取数据 0 条

RDPLinux commented 10 months ago

This issue happened to me I fixed it by using a China proxy 👍

Cl0udG0d commented 10 months ago

You can refer to this ISSUE

kufei326 commented 10 months ago


Cl0udG0d commented 10 months ago

现在还没搞懂fofa屏蔽的规则 orz

RDPLinux commented 10 months ago

I think that the reason is too much use of your code. This is why they provided protection two days ago. As I remember, the FOFA website was closed for 5 minutes, then a protection system was added to block foreign servers. But, you know, I don't understand how they did it.

From USA IP, you can browse their website, but it is not working through your code. From the same IP When you run the code

You should expect anything from any company that wants to protect their site

As you know, they sell products, but their prices are very expensive, so you did a good job when you created this code.

Cl0udG0d commented 10 months ago

I think that the reason is too much use of your code. This is why they provided protection two days ago. As I remember, the FOFA website was closed for 5 minutes, then a protection system was added to block foreign servers. But, you know, I don't understand how they did it.

From USA IP, you can browse their website, but it is not working through your code. From the same IP When you run the code

You should expect anything from any company that wants to protect their site

As you know, they sell products, but their prices are very expensive, so you did a good job when you created this code.

Thank you for liking this project. I think I will continue to update it