ClanGenOfficial / clangen

Warrior Cats fan game
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[BUG] Updating on the dev version causes game files to clone themselves, creating new folders and multiple unussable application files. #2519

Open JkHowling opened 6 days ago

JkHowling commented 6 days ago

Type: Code?

Describe the bug The game files clone themselves in multiple folders upon updating, even creating some unusable application files.

Grade: Regular

Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Download dev from the official website
  2. When a new version is pushed, open the game and update through the in-game prompt
  3. Let the update install and restart
  4. Open your Clangen folder, you'll now find that instead of simply housing a Clangen application + an _internal folder (holding all the internal game files), that _internal folder now has another application file (plus a downloads folder with another application and _internal folder in it, and another _internal folder), which may also contain excess folders in them as well.

Additional context Seems to have happened to beta tester wisazrid as well. Both of us appear to be on Windows, which may be relevant to the issue. It's been occurring to me personally for over a week, consistently through updates, including the latest one.

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