ClanGenOfficial / clangen

Warrior Cats fan game
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[BUG] Cannot create clan, crashes when symbol is selected #2574

Open carlean101 opened 3 days ago

carlean101 commented 3 days ago

Type: Coding bug(?)

Description: When

Grade: Game-breaking

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Launch game
  2. Create new clan
  3. Choose clan name, cats, and map
  4. On symbol selection screen, choose symbol or randomize
  5. Instant crash

Version: Dev 0.9.0


Error Log: root - CRITICAL - / log_crash / 117 - Uncaught exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 338, in game.all_screens[game.current_screen].handle_event(event) File "C:\Users\username\Downloads\clangen-development\clangen-development\scripts\screens\", line 186, in handle_event self.handle_choose_symbol_event(event) File "C:\Users\username\Downloads\clangen-development\clangen-development\scripts\screens\", line 552, in handle_choose_symbol_event self.refresh_text_and_buttons() File "C:\Users\username\Downloads\clangen-development\clangen-development\scripts\screens\", line 794, in refresh_text_and_buttons symbol_name = self.symbol_selected.removeprefix("symbol") AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'removeprefix'

When starting on quick start, this error is thrown in the console for every npc clan that is generated upon clan creation: WARNING: attempted to return symbol string, but there's no clan symbol for (CLAN NAME). Random symbol string returned.

Not sure why I haven't seen anybody else post about this because it seems like a pretty serious issue. Is it just a me problem? When launching the game, the console tells me that I'm not missing or outdated in any dependencies. Any solutions?

selkirks commented 3 days ago

unable to recreate this on the most recent version. are you sure you arent on a modded game? additionally, 0.9.0 hasnt been a recent dev build for... a While

DeadGirlRisen commented 3 days ago

unable to recreate this on the most recent version. are you sure you arent on a modded game? additionally, 0.9.0 hasnt been a recent dev build for... a While

Thisbonly seems to happen to some users, Ive noticed it happens more in builded versions from moss mod, then from non builds. It seems to happen to a good amount of people though, but Ive not figured out why.

Idk if OP was using moss mod build or something else but I know Anju (Or Zabe, cnat remember which rn) had gotten it before on the normal dev.

Hope this information is somewhat helpful.

ZtheCorgi commented 3 days ago

wasn't me. i haven't been able to play clangen since before custom pronouns were merged into dev due to health problems

selkirks commented 2 days ago

unable to recreate this on the most recent version. are you sure you arent on a modded game? additionally, 0.9.0 hasnt been a recent dev build for... a While

Thisbonly seems to happen to some users, Ive noticed it happens more in builded versions from moss mod, then from non builds. It seems to happen to a good amount of people though, but Ive not figured out why.

Idk if OP was using moss mod build or something else but I know Anju (Or Zabe, cnat remember which rn) had gotten it before on the normal dev.

Hope this information is somewhat helpful.

ooh yes this did happen to anju before, i remember that. thats so odd

carlean101 commented 2 days ago

unable to recreate this on the most recent version. are you sure you arent on a modded game? additionally, 0.9.0 hasnt been a recent dev build for... a While

what?? is it not the most recent dev version with the unreleased symbols, leader's den, and warriors' den features?? and yes, this is unmodded, i downloaded the development zip straight from here.

selkirks commented 2 days ago

unable to recreate this on the most recent version. are you sure you arent on a modded game? additionally, 0.9.0 hasnt been a recent dev build for... a While

what?? is it not the most recent dev version with the unreleased symbols, leader's den, and warriors' den features?? and yes, this is unmodded, i downloaded the development zip straight from here.

if its just the zip and not through github, then im not sure (i dont play via zips). ive asked scribble though, as this bug has been reported (tho not reported as a github issue) before, to see if theres any fix

edit: zips are built diff. inchresting. still though, unable to replicate on 0.9.0 dev

carlean101 commented 10 hours ago

if its just the zip and not through github, then im not sure

What do you mean by this? I downloaded the development zip from github, how are you playing the game? Am I playing it incorrectly? I have met several other people who face this same issue which is why I'm concerned that it hasn't been addressed before, sure hope that it's fixed soon

archanyhm commented 4 hours ago

@carlean101 Please update the version to reflect the actual commit hash or version number. To retrieve said commit hash, clone the repository by using git (or a git GUI like GitHub desktop) or download the development build from the website via