Clancey / FlyoutNavigation

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Pull To Refresh Not Working #39

Open srimarru opened 10 years ago

srimarru commented 10 years ago

We have implemented Flyout navigation in our product and it is working very well. We were trying to add Pull to Refresh feature on one of the table views and the refresh control is not working when the controller is called from Flyout navigation and works otherwise.

Can you please let us know if there is a way to enable pull to refresh when Flyout navigation is used.

Clancey commented 10 years ago

I currently use the build in iOS pull to refresh on multiple screens. I haven't had an issue.

srimarru commented 10 years ago

I have tested in couple of cases, and whenever I am using Flyout navigation I see my pull to refresh is not working.

I applied Flyout on a MT spilt view controller. My left side controller has table view and the pull to refresh will not work. Strangely if it has a scroll view if I pull it up and pull down then only it works. I feel that flyout nav is sticking my view to the top and hence pull to refresh is not working.

Can you please help me?