The WebAuthenticatorWindow that is used by WebAuthenticator from the FitBitApi provider does not allow the customisation of the ViewController or more specifically the ModalPresentationStyle.
In iOS 13 Apple changed the default presentation style for Modal views to be PageSheet from FullScreen. This affects the way Modal pages are dismissed and in Xamarin Forms that causes issues with ViewIsAppearing\ViewIsDisappearing events.
If the WebAuthenticatorWindow is dismissed by simply swiping down the Navigation Stack in XF becomes broken, the page now being is playing cannot be exited and the app needs restarting.
The WebAuthenticatorWindow that is used by WebAuthenticator from the FitBitApi provider does not allow the customisation of the ViewController or more specifically the ModalPresentationStyle.
In iOS 13 Apple changed the default presentation style for Modal views to be PageSheet from FullScreen. This affects the way Modal pages are dismissed and in Xamarin Forms that causes issues with ViewIsAppearing\ViewIsDisappearing events.
If the WebAuthenticatorWindow is dismissed by simply swiping down the Navigation Stack in XF becomes broken, the page now being is playing cannot be exited and the app needs restarting.