After successful alignment on the test data, just when starting Bambu, the pipeline crashes with the following message:
Mapping reads...
Identifying isoforms with Bambu...
Failed to create Bambu annotations, check logs file
the log file part regarding the issue:
--- Start generating read class files ---
Error: BiocParallel errors
1 remote errors, element index: 1
0 unevaluated and other errors
first remote error:
Error in xgb.get.handle(object): 'xgb.Booster' object is corrupted or is from an incompatible xgboost version.
Execution halted
The process is run on the high-performance computing cluster, do you think the issue might be connected to that?
After successful alignment on the test data, just when starting Bambu, the pipeline crashes with the following message:
the log file part regarding the issue:
The process is run on the high-performance computing cluster, do you think the issue might be connected to that?