ClassiCube / MCGalaxy

A Minecraft Classic / ClassiCube server software
GNU General Public License v3.0
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#636 Added support for multiple heartbeats. #640

Closed craftycodie closed 2 years ago

craftycodie commented 2 years ago

Per #636 I have added support for registering multiple heartbeat urls.

At the moment all are using the ClassiCube heartbeat. This could be extended to support various heartbeat protocols and implementations (eg, classicube://, betacraft:// etc). Though personally I think that one implementation passing as much relevant data as suitable should be enough, and that we shouldn't have different consumer API specs (so the classicube spec should be fit for betacraft and if not, betacraft should adapt).

craftycodie commented 2 years ago

Apologies for the nasty diffs. I've tried CRLF and LF, it doesn't seem to like either for whatever reason. You can view the changes with this: image

UnknownShadow200 commented 2 years ago

Appreciate the pull request, but came across several issues when testing