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[#SomeChanges Suggestion] Legendary Transmogs available now #1181

Open silveryzx opened 4 months ago

silveryzx commented 4 months ago


All Legendarys are available to transmog except warglaives, but why? on retail its excluded for dh and their quest but we are several expensions away, no reason to cuck warrior / rogues.

please change that, thanks.


people reached out to me and asked if theres a chance that dagger could be transmogged as swords, for example mages / warlocks would appreciate that alot.

i1Spook commented 4 months ago

I concur. This seems like it isn't intended. Please let us transmog the Glaives. If daggers could be transmogged as swords that would be the icing on the cake. This would let us Mutilate Rogues enjoy our hard-earned Glaive transmog as well.

Any feedback is much appreciated <3

ssabbyccatt commented 4 months ago

Bumping - guildy noticed Glaives is not available to him either. Assuming this may be related to retail, as in retail warglaives are an unmoggable sword but you can unlock the appearance for demon hunter specifically once you have both glaives by doing timewalking. Here's a SS of my guildy's collections page with no Glaive:

Along with proof he has warglaives of azzinoth:

NikolayKertev commented 3 months ago

Would be great indeed if they at least announce whats their opinion on the matter. We all would love to be able to transmog into the Warglaives and we should be able to, considering all other legendaries' appearance is available.