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[BUG] Pet attack inconsistently batched along side growl #1424

Closed MannySJH closed 2 months ago

MannySJH commented 2 months ago

1. Current Behavior

1.1. Description

When you use growl on a target an orange pet attack is coupled with this, I thought this was normal however recently I've been able to decouple these by manually pet following the split second growl goes on cd indicating some sort of range or macro delay inconsistency. I can't do this consistently however and it seems to be random or reaction based. There's also no combination of macro where I can replicate this even once it has to be manually done.

1.2. How to Reproduce

       1. Target enemy with a hunter pet
       2. Cast growl from a macro/spellbook
       3. Observe an orange attack that couples it
       4. Same test but quickly pet follow after the growl goes on cd

1.3 Source Material

2. Expected Behavior

2.1. Consistency in how this spell works, perhaps the growl range could be extended by a small distance so macros can perform the same way I am able to showcase here. Would really increase the skill expression in destroying grounding totems or eating spell reflects on cc'd targets (Currently not plausible)