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[BUG] Rabid autocast not triggering on large hitboxes #1445

Open MannySJH opened 2 months ago

MannySJH commented 2 months ago

1. Current Behavior

1.1. Description

When Rabid is set to autocast the pet will not autocast until it has reached close to the centre of the hitbox of an enemy. This means it functions fine on target dummies and humanoid size bosses but on large bosses it will not autocast.

1.2. How to Reproduce

       1. Engage a dragon or other large boss (Onyxia works)
       2. Set rabid to autocast
       3. Manually moveto the pet further inside the hitbox of the boss and observe rabid being used as it should

1.3 Source Material

I believe theres a range restriction on rabid where it won't cast until the pet is attacking and in range of the enemy to not lose potential uptime, hitbox size wasn't factored into this.

CharWS commented 2 months ago

duplicate of

MannySJH commented 2 months ago

Don't think these two things are related, for example in baradin hold the pet pathing is fine but the same autocast issue is there.

CharWS commented 2 months ago

yeah I see in the vid, so your pet is still auto-attacking, it just isn't able to use rabid

MannySJH commented 1 month ago

Same thing happens with Fire Breath from dragonhawks

Artemishowl commented 1 month ago

This duplicates, which is also valid

Artemishowl commented 1 month ago

Closing the other ticket since this one is older.

Artemishowl commented 1 month ago

Actually, making a separate issue and will link them together, something seems off though.