Open kollariss opened 4 months ago
Valid issue, ticket created
This is two logs I had as destro in the same gear. One with a demo lock and the other without. My imp's crit chance can be seen at ~10% higher on the raid with the demo lock on overall damage to bosses as well as individual boss fights:,15
### 1. Current Behavior
#### 1.1. Description
Hand of guldan spell applies aura that increases crit chance against that target by any warlocks demon. Currently it appears to only impact the special attack of pets specifically, not other demons and or other attacks/abilities.
Additionally it impacts the special abilities of all warlocks, that is it buffs also afflictions shadow bite crit chance by 10% or destructions imp firebolt.
#### 1.2. How to Reproduce
#### 1.3 Source Material
The above mentioned links prove that autoattacks are not impacted by the 10% increase and also affliction warlocks shadowbites are impacted by the Hand of Guldan aura. As for the other claims, i derive them from the data on warcraft logs. The base premise is that we need large enough sample size of data from logs where only 1 warlock is present (demo or affli) and compare the results. Due to the nature of the 10% crit debuff, the following observations are expected to be noticeable in the data from warcraft logs:
Affliction logs:
Demo logs:
I think based on the data presented above, its safe to make following conclusions:
### 2. Expected Behavior
The aura of Curse of Guldan is supposed to buff any warlock demon. Right now it impacts only special ability of the pet.
Is the "any warlock demon" part tied to all warlock pets or only the demo warlock demons. (clarification of the tooltip needed, cant find any source material for what was intended with this, cant find any mentions of this buffing other specs as well on elitist jerks/other resources). I suspect it is unintended for Curse of guldan to buff destro/affli pets.
#### 2.1. Description
Any demon of the demonology warlock(?) should have increased 10% crit chance against targets afflicted by curse of guldan.
#### 2.2 Source Material