ClassicWoWCommunity / cata-classic-bugs

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[BUG] Eclipse Energy does not reset on Nefarian pull #1472

Open ssabbyccatt opened 1 month ago

ssabbyccatt commented 1 month ago

1. Current Behavior

1.1. Description

On Nef, there is a relatively high chance boomkin's Eclipse Energy will not reset when a raid boss is pulled.

1.2. How to Reproduce

Exact reproduction steps are unknown. Bug is extremely inconsistent, but occurs approximately 50% of the time

1.3 Source Material

Log (see immediate casting of Sunfire, with no previous Starfires to have pushed into a Solar Eclipse):} Additional log (note that energy isn't even recorded on the log until an Eclipse procs): Another log (this one didn't record the energy value properly, but Solar Eclipse was proc'd after only a single Starfire so it would have been impossible to start at 0 energy):

2. Expected Behavior

2.1. Description

Eclipse energy resets to 0 upon pulling a raid boss.

2.2 Source Material

Artemishowl commented 1 month ago

Talked already, bug submitted