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[#SomeChanges Suggestion] In ranked Arena only, disable class stacking #294

Open perpabc opened 1 year ago

perpabc commented 1 year ago


When different classes are paired together in MMORPGs, there's a perfect blend of synergy where every player can feel like they've contributed to a shared goal, with their chosen class identity. Whether that's based in thematics or general enjoyment of specific spells, it's been a working formula for decades. However, when certain classes are stacked, balancing changes are usually made to bolster class representation so everyone's not forced onto the same thing.

In PVP, figuring out how your class works with your friends' makes the game fun, and there are soft countermeasures in place to prevent class stacking imbalance - how unfun would it be to be stunned by 2 rogues for 20 seconds? Diminishing Returns prevents this sort of thing from occuring, as well as each of the classes not having enough different tools to make you want to bring multiple of the same one.

Where problems start to arise

WoW PVP has never been entirely balanced. We play an RPG with character development and meta shifts on a patch by patch basis - but that doesn't mean we can't tweak the things that are over the top, and find a happy medium.

Heartbeat for example; in a situation where there are enough macro objectives & extra tools to minimize the impact of RNG (think battlegrounds, or spontaneous world pvp) it's considered as just a part of the game, but in a deathmatch environment where you're entirely reliant on your CC lasting it's full duration to score the sole kill you need, it's widely regarded as being incredibly unfun and frustrating to play into. The same logic applies to critical strikes, there are enough tools to play around your lack of them, to the point where it feels good when you land one, and you're ok with letting it slide if you get hit a bit too hard every once in a while.

So in general, most forms of RNG are accepted, regardless of slight imbalances here or there in the name of overall fun, especially in situations where you're able to play around the RNG (which is considered a skillset, having consolidation strategies, etc).

So how does this affect Class Stacking in ranked?

When consolidation plans or counterstratting/outplaying hit a wall due to players ultra minmaxing ways to win, at the behest of the intended balance of the game by breaking through that 4th wall and stacking one class alone to ridiculous winrates.

Historically speaking, class stacking on a ranked ladder only succeeds to a certain extent. The nature of shared DRs on their identical CCs and lack of diversity in toolsets means a wall will eventually be hit and better players on 'mixed' comps, utilising the strengths of multiple classes to their fullest extent, will beat them more often than not.

It's incredibly rare to see a ladder dominated by class stacking for these reasons - but this has happened in TBC with Double Rogue (both in 2s and 3s) and will happen again in Wrath due to the meta evolving to the point where players are stacking one class, and playing off of flowcharts. Not reacting, predicting, or playing around what their opponents are doing, but having a fixed set of strategies they can follow regardless of opponent and pull off a win due to holes in balance. This is unfun for whoever plays into it because it isn't competitive and just makes competitive pvp a sinking ship, eventually abandoned by anyone not playing the few classes that can stack.

Counter-points; aka "Let's not stop Timmy from playing his beloved triple pompyro mage"

We don't want to curb people's fun or their ability to strategise and figure out ways to win, in their own ways - but problems arise when it affects a ranked ladder and every single other class people play.

So I suggest limiting class stacking to skirmishes & wargames alone, preserving the (somewhat skewed but happy medium of) balance we currently have on a ladder that supposedly rewards you for being a better team of players, on a mixed set of classes.

dariuzsdk commented 1 year ago

Exyth suggested perhaps a less restrictive solution should they take this suggestion into consideration - disable Spec stacking over class stacking, still allowing things like Prot/Arms (mancleave), feral/resto, etc, based on whatever tree the majority of talent points are assigned to but somewhat restricting more cheesy/abusive setups