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Please allow replacement of higher SP HoTs with lower SP HoTs[#SomeChanges Suggestion] #310

Open Restomagus opened 2 years ago

Restomagus commented 2 years ago


{Describe your suggestion}

Shaman perspective: If you cast flame shock on an enemy, or earthshield on a friendly, then reduce your spell power, then reapply these spells, they reapply with the lower SP value, no problem. Riptide, however, will not reapply the HoT if you do the same. This means things like SP procs / buffs, etc in raid environments can at times hinder gameplay, there will very much be times you want to put a new weaker riptide on a target who has 2 seconds left on their current riptide for example. Riptide feels like a 4th type of shock spell. It is the friendly version of flame shock, so why shouldn't it act the same way?

I am sure there are many other cases for many other classes of HoTs and DoTs that players will have to allow to drop off their target before they are allowed to reapply them, and this feels bad. Especially from a healer perspective.

I am not talking about HoTs or DoTs that automatically reapply or lengthen duration due to other spells and abilities. I am strictly talking about direct cast abilities.

Oliaxz commented 2 years ago

Feral has the same issue with snapshotted Rip. I imagine rogue's rupture is the same. In any case, all the outliers seems to be oversights that blizz classified as minor issues, and only fixed later in cata.

So i support this suggestion, lets just make sure it works for everything...