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[BUG] DRW abilities incorrect scaling #394

Closed danniellos94 closed 1 year ago

danniellos94 commented 2 years ago

1. Current Behavior

DRW abilities are doing base damage instead scaling with attack power. I believe this was a bug back in the wrath and got hotfixed with stealth hotfix in cata. This might be somehow connected with issue #194.

1.1. Description

This only applies to abilities, autoattacks are mostly working fine.

1.2. How to Reproduce

      {Describe the steps to reproduce the particular bug, in detail:
       1. Try with on use trinket or without.
       2. Use rune weapon
       3.  Do death coil or any other spell.
       4. Observe same ' base'  damage.

1.3 Source Material - observe the bug 315 normal pet death coil and 2594 crit pet damage death coil seems like sometimes death coil was getting benefits off attack power most likely

2. Expected Behavior

"Your DRW checklist looks something like this, in order of importance Bloodlust/Heroism Hysteria On use trinkets / Trinket Procs Empowered Rune Weapon Potion of Speed"

2.1. Description

Dancing rune weapon should snapshots stats like gargoyle.

2.2 Source Material with attack power trinket without attack power trinket

ambiwar commented 2 years ago

Edit: I was Totally wrong I forgot about bonuses from talents and glyph. It does appear that DRW spells are not scaling with AP. It looks like attacks are scaling properly.

danniellos94 commented 1 year ago 15128 attack power 11228 drw death strike 57788 attack power 54887 drw death strike
same run 15138 ap 12203 death strike

Can we confirmed that as a bug?

bibothe commented 1 year ago

From my testing the ap scaling seems to work fine for strikes but any %damage buffs or talents/glyphs do not apply to said strikes.

Using Plague Strike or Obliterate in unholy or frost presence do deal around 50% damage but do not increase when in blood presence or using unholy frenzy. The Auto attacks of DRW however seem to take everything into account.

danniellos94 commented 1 year ago

Bibothe might of mograine works for sure atm.

in unholy presence:

2548 ap 466 drw death strike

3560 ap 540 drw death strike

DRW Death coil for sure not increasing off attack power.

74 damage difference for over 1k ap seems pretty low if you ask me.

Also did some tests with low level two hand weapon and brutal weapon the damage difference in drw autoattacks is quite easily visible while in abilities its quite almost the same.

bibothe commented 1 year ago

Death strikes base scaling is 75% 14 Attack power gives 1 dps and the weapon speed on instant attacks for scaling is normalized to 3.3 speed DRW is supposed to deal 50% of damage

so 1000/143.30.75*0.5=88.3928571 Now the only thing missing to get to your 74 damage is the armor of said target.

As for might of mograine your right it does seem to work but all %damage ones from what i can tell do not.

As a baseline test here some numbers : Plague strike with only a weapon equipped in Uh presence and the only damage buff being 3 stacks of bloody vengeance, Blood gorged and two handed spec: Plague strike : 366 average (non crit) DRW plague strike : 163 average (non crit)

if you add the %increases to DRW you get 1631.091.04*1.1=203 which would be more than expected so one of the 3 damage amps potentially works. Armor pen also makes this more difficult to test then it already is.

Doing the same but putting on all my gear, popping trinket and using horn of winter i get PLague strike : 601 average (non crit) DRW plague strike : 258 average (non crit)

This gave me a 1936 ap diff which should give me 1936/143.30.5*0.5=114 extra damage. Take armor into account and ap scaling seems to work just fine

And the same seems to apply to Death Strike. With all gear and talents/glyphs unholy frenzy active and in blood presence Death strike : 1940 average (non crit) DRW Death strike : 464 average (non crit)

Same thing but unholy presence and no frenzy Death strike : 1484 average (non crit) DRW Death strike : 454 average (non crit)

danniellos94 commented 1 year ago

Well maybe but it's hard to check it exactly (there is always a damage difference that is propably by x-y base rune weapon damage), however it change nothing with drw death coil damage not scaling at all that I showed in video.

This is also weird that DRW autoattacks get benefit of hysteria, all %talent buffs and the weapon you wield while the abilties don't. DRW inherits most of talents (epidemic for sure as example, EJ threads talking about imp death strike and bloody strikes working also).

If DRW does 50% reduced damage of base abilities and it's not even counted on your weapon damage than it's ultra omega usless, and no I don't think arpen works for drw at all...

EDIT: Just leveled and tested from 300 dmg from drw death coil adding 1 talent of morbidity I got 315 dmg, still no scaling from attack power tho. timestamp that drw death coil was fixed in cata and was scaling off attack power. EDIT2: I've tested sigil death coil and it seems increasing damage on drw death coil about 41 so it is about (even 1 more) 50% EDIT3: Glyph of dark death is increasing drw death coil damage too.

bastard sword used 0 procs 0 vengeance stacks, no glyphs

drw ds 413-430 improved death strike ---> it is working

drw ds 297-342 without improved death strike

EDIT4: I've got incisor fragment and no rune weapon doesn't benefits at all off arp as expected no difference in autoattacks or abilities. (tested with bastard sword) EDIT5: Swapping from collosal skull clad clever to bastard sword with same items - seems like autoattacks almost doubled in damage however abilities are almost unchanged. EDIT6: Sigil of awarness seems to increasing drw death strike damage too but weirdly its about 115 damage difference where we would expect half (157 )same as death coil sigil . -- tested with bastard sword no procs etc.

EDIT7: without obliterate glyph with obliterate glyph

EDIT8: Glyph of death strike is not working for drw for some reason maybe because runic power requirement without glyph with glyph

danniellos94 commented 1 year ago

I believe that back in the day there was no technology to make drw match dk's damage, there was a 3.0.8 patch which says :

"[Patch 3.0.8] ( (2009-01-20): The weapon no longer echoes the Raise Dead and Army of the Dead spells. In addition it will now more closely match the master's damage and will cast Rune Strike when its master does. "

"Autoattacks seem to work fine, but its main damage source, Heart Strike, doesn't scale at all. Look closely at your logs, or go to the dummy and test in Frost Presence, Blood Presence and Blood Presence with Hysteria up."

"In the WOL you linked autoattack is close to 70% of the DRW's total damage. Furthermore, the average crit is showing at almost 9k - the max crit would be even higher. Another thing to consider is that in most cases the first DRW you cast will be with the most procs up at the same time - things like the Ashen Verdict ring, and DBW throw proc alignment out of whack because of their strange ICD's (i.e. not 45 seconds like most trinkets).

It's pretty clear that DRW is gaining some benefit during the BQL encounter - there is no other explanation for 12k DRW crits when the norm for top of the line ICC gear is 7 to 8k max."

"@Decaying: Autoattacks are the main source of DRW-damage because the Strikes do not scale correctly. If these scaled correctly, i would expect at least a 50% increase in DRW-DPS."

"Additionally, I don't think it's terribly surprising that DRW's strikes don't seem to scale with the ICC buff since they don't scale with many of our talents either (DRW's Oblits will eat it's own diseases even if you have Annihilation, for example). Something about the ability is coded weird, but this isn't new and doesn't stop it from being a valuable talent."

Please @Aggrend or any other dev tell us how to calculate it's damage and if it's working correctly... This is not 2008 year when we don't even know how the spell should exactly work, because it is not working how the tooltip describes.

danniellos94 commented 1 year ago

Dear Blizzard, I'm writing again to you to make you consider fixing the dancing rune weapon. Dancing rune weapon was kinda bugged in wotlk like gargoyle (that got fixed btw). To prove this I'm sending this two videos. Please don't ignore this, I'm myself a casual player like many others and we as community shouldn't only make fixes for meta specs. This is me getting big damage buff while doing battle for undercity quest, as you can see only autoattacks are increased. (600% damage buff + my own buffs) This is a video from cata from retail when pet stat system got rewritten and drw was fixed : As you can see the guy is hitting xt heart and his strikes are doing about 50% reduced damage. As last ticket I got an answer that my last report will be checked and considered, however I didn't get any answer or possible timeline for decision. Do you guys remember original behind the scenes video saying that one of our goal is to death knight not having a tanking tree in wrath? Currently blood feels like dedicated tree for tanking only.

MghTG commented 1 year ago

I mean, things working the way they don't on retail is what should be considered as a bug, no? Gargoyle is actually so damn broken without 1s gcd cap, it is ridiculous, and that should be fixed. DRW never did the damage you want it to do. Btw, when "fixing" things, they should consider pvp aswell. "Do you guys remember original behind the scenes video saying that one of our goal is to death knight not having a tanking tree in wrath?" Well, you have solid tanking talents on all trees, just like he said. You can easily tank as a frost for example. And I'm pretty sure you can make blood dps viable, though you shouldn't be speccing it if you have no unholy on your raid lmao. Finally, to think that they should balance classes to get an even dps all around is just silly.

MHMabrito commented 1 year ago

You don't see DPS warriors deep into Prot, or DPS Paladins deep into Prot - Why would Blood be any different? You're linking videos from Cata, this is WOTLK.

danniellos94 commented 1 year ago

So the reasoning of fixing this is actually the thing how it should work, the same as gargoyle. If gargoyle got fixed drw should got the same treatment if we don't want fixing anything revert gargoyle changes, be fair to other specs. I'm not talking about balances changes I'm talking about a thing that should be considered as a bug.

"You don't see DPS warriors deep into Prot, or DPS Paladins deep into Prot - Why would Blood be any different? You're linking videos from Cata, this is WOTLK." and you know blood wasn't a designed tanking spec in wrath? You could dps in all trees and tank in all trees, that's why blood should be different to remain how it was back then? It is wrath classic no? Blood dps was bad for toc basically because of heavy nerfs until bis icc items, majority of wrath blood dps was fine. Btw I can link wrath vidoes when gargoyle had a delay and worldoflogs link where it was attacking a big majority of time instead once.

MghTG commented 1 year ago

"So the reasoning of fixing this is actually the thing how it should work, the same as gargoyle. If gargoyle got fixed drw should got the same treatment if we don't want fixing anything revert gargoyle changes, be fair to other specs." And why would you think it got "fixed". Don't be naive... Gargoyle is just bugged since launch lmao.

Bakurersu commented 1 year ago

Gargoyle is actually so damn broken without 1s gcd cap, it is ridiculous, and that should be fixed.

And why would you think it got "fixed". Don't be naive... Gargoyle is just bugged since launch lmao.

Gargoyle never had a 1 second GCD cap in retail, which was proven multiple times in blight club using logs posted in old EJ forum threads during the wrath classic beta, the 1 second GCD cap for gargoyle was only ever present on private servers. The only current bug with gargoyle is it's spawning positioning (which was correct during beta and changed when pre-patch hit for some reason). The "fix" that gargoyle got was a fix to the wind serpent pet AI as it did not work the way it was supposed to in retail wrath (having random pauses between casts sometimes), which is in line with other "fixes" applied to other classes. If you think gargoyle is actually bugged (other than the already reported positioning bug) I'd suggest making a issue for it with actual evidence to back up your claims.

danniellos94 commented 1 year ago

Gargoyle is fixed (I'm actually playing unholy) overall he is doing 1 autoatack that don't break first cast and then casts only gargoyle strike plus it does not have any delay. Waiting for any answer for rune weapon.