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[BUG] Spells which increase damage done against creature types also increase critical damage multipliers #8

Open raethkcj opened 1 month ago

raethkcj commented 1 month ago

1. Current Behavior

1.1. Description

A variety of spells from various talents, racials, equipment sets, and buffs increase damage done by the player against specific creature types. This damage multiplier is provided by SpellEffect EffectAura 168. Some examples are: Troll Racial Beast Slaying Rogue Talent Murder Hunter Talents Humanoid Slaying and Monster Slaying

Note that the two Hunter talents have an additional effect, both mentioned in the tooltip and as a second SpellEffect with EffectAura 547, that should "increase critical damage" against the stated creature types.

However, it appears that all spells that claim to provide a damage bonus to a specific creature type also provide increased critical damage against that creature type, even when not mentioned in the spell and when not appearing as a SpellEffect.

With this in mind, we'd expect that the two Hunter talents would be double dipping on their stated Crit Damage Multipliers, since they appear to have two SpellEffects that increase them. However, it appears that only their first SpellEffect is increasing Crit Damage, and the second is having no effect at all.

These spells are providing this Crit Damage Multiplier increase in addition to their expected damage increases, effectively double dipping for characters with a high crit chance.

1.2. How to Reproduce

       1. Enable Advanced Combat Logging
       2. Create a Rogue with no talent points spent except 5 in Malice
       2. Log at least one non-critical and one critical strike against a Humanoid enemy.
       3. Spend two talent points in Murder
       4. Repeat step 2.
       5. Calculate the effective Critical Damage Multiplier using the method described in Source Material

1.3 Source Material

This is an excerpt from an Advanced Combat Log showing various Critical Damage Multipliers in the absence and presence of Beast Slaying, Murder, and Humanoid Slaying. CritDamageMultipliers.txt The Advanced Combat Log reports two numbers of interest for each SWING_DAMAGE event: the first is the actual damage done by the swing, and the second is the amount of damage done before applying the Critical Damage Multiplier and damage reduction from Armor. In order to isolate the Critical Damage Multiplier from the armor reduction, we can calculate the ratio between the two numbers for a critical damage event a non-critical damage event. The above text file contains this calculation for each test case.

It shows that Murder, Beast Slaying, and Humanoid Slaying are all providing Critical Damage Multipliers equal to their stated damage increases. Since we know that Humanoid Slaying is getting this increase from its EffectAura 168, we know that its EffectAura 547 is having no effect.

The following screenshot shows a Garrote before and after taking two points in the Murder talent, showing that it is providing its 2% damage done increase, as expected: GarroteMurder

2. Expected Behavior

2.1. Description

SpellEffect Aura 168 (found on all of the above spells) should only apply a damage multiplier. It should not increase the Critical Damage Multiplier. SpellEffect EffectAura 547 should increase the Critical Damage Multiplier.

2.2 Source Material

Tooltips of the mentioned spells.