ClassyKit / Classy

Expressive, flexible, and powerful stylesheets for UIView and friends.
MIT License
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Looking for contributors #108

Open cloudkite opened 8 years ago

cloudkite commented 8 years ago

Looking for maintainers/contributors to take over the project.

Unfortunately I have too many other commitments at the moment and am no longer actively doing objc development. So sadly I don't have the time to give Classy the time and attention it deserves.

mikeger commented 8 years ago

Hey We are interested in taking over this project since we did some pull requests to it in the past and our company is using it extensively for our iOS project.

The only question for us is how much time did it took in the past for you to maintain the project?

With kind regards, Mike on behalf of Wire's iOS team

cloudkite commented 8 years ago

Hi @mikeger nice to hear from you. Hard to put a figure on time spent maintaining in past, I guess there was a lot of upfront time getting the base featureset working. Since then I've been doing very little iOS work so haven't spent alot of time on it.

I guess you can scale the time commitment as you see fit. i.e refactoring the codebase to be more modern (maybe swift) would obviously be a big undertaking. At the other end of spectrum adding the most commonly requested features and fixing bugs would probably not be a huge commitment.

If you would like discuss in more detail the podspec file has my email address in it.


keithnorm commented 8 years ago

@mikeger @cloudkite what's the scoop on handing off maintainer for Classy? I am interested in helping as a co-maintainer if you'd like. I've been hacking on Classy for a while now - I have some experimental features added in my fork ( like the ability to call custom color functions so you can do things like:

  UIButton.cancel-button {
      title-color[state: normal]: $green
      title-color[state: highlighted]: darken($green, 0.20)

Aside from features, I would be most interested in helping with bug fixes and managing issues, as well as helping to improve and promote the website and documentation. I strongly believe that Classy should be the standard for theming iOS apps and I don't want to see the project wither on the vine.

cloudkite commented 8 years ago

@keithnorm awesome :) have added you to the ClassyKit org

atsepkov commented 8 years ago

@cloudkite I too would be sad to see Classy disappear. When I joined my current team and was tasked with building an iOS SDK, I started pulling my hair out - mainly because I had no idea how one would build an SDK and allow 3rd party apps using it to control the look and feel of the final product (it's just not doable with iOS GUI builder). I was jealous of XML templates Android devs could do, then I discovered Classy. Now the Android devs are jealous, and I can keep the rest of my hair. I've successfully built an SDK that's much easier to style than Android and have gotten good feedback from client developers playing with the beta version. If Classy becomes unmaintained or worse yet, incompatible with future versions of XCode, I now risk building a dud for my company. For that reason, I'd love to help out with Classy where I can, but given my other project commitments (RapydScript, etc.) and work, the time I can contribute would be limited by that. However, I'm pretty comfortable with Swift, if that's where you decide to take the project.

p.s. @keithnorm I like the state idea you mention, can't wait to play with it.

p.p.s. I noticed that is now down. This was how I used to learn Classy documentation. Could you copy the documentation from it into the project or the README, because currently the README only gives a couple examples and suggests going to the website for the rest.


keithnorm commented 8 years ago

@atsepkov awesome, good to hear you've found Classy to be valuable as well! The domain may have expired but you can still access the site through the github pages url at

eonist commented 8 years ago

Hey, I'm porting to IOS soon. I guess its a bit like Classy: It's in swift. I hope its not inappropriate to mention my project here?

atsepkov commented 8 years ago

@eonist Looks pretty good. How soon will iOS port be available? I like Classy but it's currently my only Obj-C dependency and with project potentially deprecated, it's hard to continue using it. I would prefer to have all my libraries be in Swift for consistency.

eonist commented 8 years ago

@atsepkov Element was built with IOS in mind. I'm planing to set a side 2 weeks for the IOS port. Then it's the matter of start date which is not set yet. Still working on a few finishing touches of Element for OSX.