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Fix for UIBarButtonItems not being styled in time #87

Closed flippinjoe closed 9 years ago

flippinjoe commented 9 years ago

A UIBarButtonItem that is being pushed onto a navigation stack does not get styled immediately. The reason is the UINavigationBar is always on the screen, and doesn't get the didMoveToWindow method again, so classy has no way of knowing that these items need styling.

With this fix whenever you set the item(s) on the UINavigationItem it will do the styling immediately.

ryang1428 commented 9 years ago

This will be a great addition

ryang1428 commented 9 years ago

@cloudkite any chance this can get merged in soon?

cloudkite commented 9 years ago

@flippinjoe21 nice work. thank you

wimhaanstra commented 9 years ago

This seems to solve one of the problems with UIBarButtonItem's, the other problem I am still encountering is that the back button isn't styled. Probably for the same reasons.