ClaudiuGeorgiu / Obfuscapk

An automatic obfuscation tool for Android apps that works in a black-box fashion, supports advanced obfuscation features and has a modular architecture easily extensible with new techniques
MIT License
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About metasploit #154

Closed ultrahacker678 closed 9 months ago

ultrahacker678 commented 1 year ago

Hi, i made and metasploit apk and encrypted it with your tool. Can i move smali folders with decryptor and smali folders with metasploit WITHOUT META-INF folder? Or in META some expensive keys stored?

ClaudiuGeorgiu commented 1 year ago

Hi, the obfuscators currently implemented in Obfuscapk don't store anything in the META-INF folder.

ultrahacker678 commented 1 year ago

Also, can you please add function to operate(encrypt methods, classes and other) only with specified path, bacause i have big apk with big .dex files and i want to obfuscate only some small parts of this dex, i dont want to obfuscate all dex files with all content inside. This function present in NP Manager, and named "Control Flow Obfuscation" Link to download NP: WARNING: NP manager detected how MALWARE so use only on VM(i think this isnt really malware, mb this is because a lot of obfuscation tools in it)