Clauvin / Mobile-Dev-Training

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Tutorial 2 - 16 Shaders #10

Open Clauvin opened 5 years ago

Clauvin commented 5 years ago

Some objectives:

Conway's Game of Life

Clauvin commented 5 years ago

The Shader 09 will be a cave where the ceiling and the ground are two lines that never get closer of each other and there will be four floating points which will never touch both lines.

Clauvin commented 5 years ago

So, how I do it?

Clauvin commented 5 years ago

Ok, I know how:

1 - I need two wave functions that never touch each other, but get close. 2 - I need four fixed positions in x where the balls will be. 3 - I need a function to calculate the y between the two waves, in position x. 4 - I need to place the balls there.

Clauvin commented 5 years ago

9 of 16 complete. Let's try to randomize more the waves for the tenth.

Clauvin commented 5 years ago

11 of 16 complete. The main problem of the 11th, the micro game, is that with a lack of variables... wait.

Clauvin commented 5 years ago

Ok, the mouse IS a constant variable : p

Clauvin commented 5 years ago

Now just have to add some transparency to the red and should be ok.

Clauvin commented 5 years ago

Ok, let's continue this with Unity.

Yes, time to check how Unity let's someone program shaders... tomorrow.

Clauvin commented 5 years ago

Objective: Shaders 13, 14 and 15 being explorations of the Shader Book + Unity, and 16 is a micro-game. Don't know if it will be a shooter or an avoider.

Clauvin commented 5 years ago

...also, before that, I have to install the Mobile stuff for Unity 2019.1.14.

Clauvin commented 5 years ago

Right, to do the last 4 shaders, I need to learn about shaders in Unity. So, let's see the tutorials, and pass what I did so far to Unity.

Clauvin commented 5 years ago

Ok, assisti. Vou analisar amanhã os shaders desse repositório e daí tentar fazer o shader 12 na Unity.