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User story: content search by bible passage, keyword and topic #7

Open Fehings opened 1 month ago

Fehings commented 1 month ago

User story

"As a person involved in ministry, I want to be able to easily find a search page and make a filtered search for video content on a bible passage e.g. Romans 8, so that I can find content relevant to the seminar or sermon I am preparing"


As we don't include chapter and verse in the current database (and it may be difficult to do so) this can reasonably restricted to searching by bible book and topic (e.g. sin, suffering). This person wants to be able to search the whole database for relevant content. There is a lot of room for improvement here on the below criteria (e.g. adding search refinement options) but right now this is the minimum requirements for this specific use case that we can build on later.

Acceptance criteria

Estimation of work

The elements needed for this page should not be too complex. One blocker for this is making sure that the database has enough content with topic and bible book fields to allow this to be testable, so testing this to move it from review to fully complete will rely on a further issue to fill out the current database.

Approximately how many hours/days do you expect this work to take?


Any updates from further down the thread are encouraged so people can easily see the status of this issue

Ettie-ClaytonTV commented 1 month ago

look good

Missive00 commented 1 month ago

Can the search be at the top of the main page rather than a seperate page? With then a seperate search page for more detailed quieries.

Can we integrate the advanced search using a drop down menu with a link to a separate advanced search page?

I think there are currently 4 tags to videos (@Ettie-ClaytonTV please confirm):

  1. The title
  2. The book of the bible
  3. The speaker
  4. The topic

So all of these should be available as inputs for the search.

See figma paint mockup below.
