ClaytonNolen / GymIsland-2024CSC

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Deciding on a stack #3

Open jedace opened 5 months ago

jedace commented 5 months ago

We are all doing research on what languages we want to use for our frontend, backend, database, and relations between them all. Need to share our findings and come to a conclusion on what our final stack will look like

2/2/24 11:03am

ClaytonNolen commented 5 months ago

Currently working towards what Database options would best fit out project because this will be an item we want to incorporate earlier for testing (11:22am).

jedace commented 5 months ago

Deciding what we would like to use for backend development. Top contenders are looking like Python and Node.js but leaning towards Node as the ecosystem may be more beneficial when deciding on the other areas

Node.js vs Python Integrating Python with Node.js


ClaytonNolen commented 5 months ago

Firebase (Google) and SQL (Windows) look to be our best options for price (free) and the applications we believe we will need (11:43am).

jedace commented 5 months ago

Narrowing in on using the JS framework, lots of integration ability and ease of use


crowleyk1 commented 5 months ago

Researching front-end frameworks for JS.


crowleyk1 commented 5 months ago

Continuing research on front-end frameworks for JS. Looking at React at the moment.


crowleyk1 commented 5 months ago

Looked at Vue.js and Angular for front-end JS frameworks.


crowleyk1 commented 5 months ago

Looking over JQuery framework.

crowleyk1 commented 5 months ago

Looked at Svelte and Ember frameworks.

crowleyk1 commented 5 months ago

Looked at Backbone.js.

crowleyk1 commented 5 months ago

Highlighted important aspects of each framework in a google doc.

Daniel-Haley commented 5 months ago

Reviewing how charts are integrated into JavaScript frameworks. There are many options for different frameworks. I also reviewed how to plot data specifically in Google Firebase if we decide to stick with that as our database.

Daniel-Haley commented 5 months ago

Found that pretty much every data visualization JavaScript library that I looked at works with React and many of them work with Vue.js. I was also looking up how to connect Firebase to a JavaScript framework project. Links:

Daniel-Haley commented 5 months ago

Reviewing previous capstone projects and seeing how html was used in the websites. Also, a possible web framework if we wanted to go a Python route is Django.

ClaytonNolen commented 5 months ago

Jed and I have decided that Firebase is a great option and works with Javascript (Clayton) and that Javascript will be one of our primary languages (Jed).


Daniel-Haley commented 5 months ago

Researching Svelte as our JavaScript framework. Svelte has a framework called Sveltekit that helps create more complete web applications. Link:

Daniel-Haley commented 5 months ago

Concluded that Svelte will be the JavaScript framework that we will be using after comparing to React.