Clean-Swift / CleanStore

A sample iOS app built using the Clean Swift architecture. Clean Swift is Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture applied to iOS and Mac projects. CleanStore demonstrates Clean Swift by implementing the create order use case described by in Uncle Bob's talks.
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Question on Usage : Reload TableView #11

Open wm-j-ray opened 8 years ago

wm-j-ray commented 8 years ago


So I have two modules, each created using clean swift templates: -ListNotes_____ -CreateNotes__

Both are under the same navController.

Situation: after user creates a new note and core data is updated and the user hits the navBar BACK button he is directed back to the ListNotesVC. ListNotes data is a swift array of managedObjects. (yah, I know). At issue is the tabview for listNotes is not showing the insert.

Can you suggest a way to get the tableview to update, ideally without using NSFetchedResultsController, without polluting the clean architecture?

Thanx in Advance