CleanroomMC / BetterQuesting

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Split Up DefaultQuests.json Into multiple files #111

Closed Supernoobv closed 3 months ago

Supernoobv commented 3 months ago


This splits the default quests file into 2 folders, questlines and quests.

This does essentially the same thing as gtnh's bq, so you can look at that for details.

Importing the old file

This is already done by default, but if it doesnt, do:

use /bq_admin default loadLegacy command

How to use

Saving in the new format: bq_admin default save

After you do this, you may delete the DefaultQuests.json file if you wish.

Loading the new format: bq_admin default load

Using the old format is still possible, and will still be supported.

Although, if you have the new format and the old format at the same time, the old format will be ignored but can still be loaded from.

Saving in the old format: bq_admin default saveLegacy

Loading the old format: bq_admin default loadLegacy


By default, the file names will only contain the id of the quest/questline, however you can change the file names to contain the first 16 characters of the quest/questline by enabling this config in .minecraft/config/betterquesting.cfg:

B:"DefaultQuests saves using Names"=true