CleanroomMC / BetterQuesting

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Completion Progress Missing #71

Closed Exaxxion closed 1 year ago

Exaxxion commented 1 year ago

Pack Context: Nomifactory Dev 2582384, manually updated with BQu 4.0.6

As seen below, the Completion numbers are missing from the tab. This occurs on other quest tabs and the commonality appears to be tabs with a large number of quests on them. It works fine on other tabs with fewer quests.


Exaxxion commented 1 year ago

As an addendum, this appears to be related to GUI scale, as the numbers show up on Normal but not Large. My assumption is the region where the text is displayed has a fixed maximum width that is being exceeded, causing the text to disappear as it tries to render outside of the panel.

image Pictured: Numbers appearing again on Normal GUI scale