Participant referent data:
SubjRef only on verbs with implied subjects; format SubjRef="{57001019002}"
Ref only on nouns, pronouns, or adjectives usually; format Ref="{57001020002 57001002002 57001002006 57001002015}"
Semantic Roles:
A0 marks the prototypical agent, A1 the prototypical patient A2 the prototypical recipient; format Frame="{A0:57001020002 A2:57001022005 A1:57001022006}"
Word Sense data:
e.g., SenseNumber="1" (Sense Number="0" means that it is a function word that we didn't do word sense disambiguation on)
English and Chinese glosses in the full trees cannot be used--Mike has Andi's automatically calculated glosses for English and Chinese mapped for YTB & ClearSuite that we should be able to use
Object Complements:
There are actually two types of nodes that are currently labeled as O2 (second object). Some have the attribute Label="OC" in the original trees, meaning that it is object complement rather than strictly a second object. This Label="OC" data needs to be ported over & used to convert the relevant O2's into OCs.
At a later point, Role and AdjunctType attributes, which only exist for the NA28 trees (NT only & added only when we switched over to NA28). These were an experimental attempt to more fully spell out Semantic Roles beyond agent, patient, and recipient. These can be mapped over using our mapping between Nestle 1904 and NA28.
Participant referent data: SubjRef only on verbs with implied subjects; format SubjRef="{57001019002}" Ref only on nouns, pronouns, or adjectives usually; format Ref="{57001020002 57001002002 57001002006 57001002015}"
Semantic Roles: A0 marks the prototypical agent, A1 the prototypical patient A2 the prototypical recipient; format Frame="{A0:57001020002 A2:57001022005 A1:57001022006}"
Word Sense data: e.g., SenseNumber="1" (Sense Number="0" means that it is a function word that we didn't do word sense disambiguation on)
Glosses: English and Chinese glosses in the full trees cannot be used--Mike has Andi's automatically calculated glosses for English and Chinese mapped for YTB & ClearSuite that we should be able to use
Object Complements: There are actually two types of nodes that are currently labeled as O2 (second object). Some have the attribute Label="OC" in the original trees, meaning that it is object complement rather than strictly a second object. This Label="OC" data needs to be ported over & used to convert the relevant O2's into OCs.
At a later point, Role and AdjunctType attributes, which only exist for the NA28 trees (NT only & added only when we switched over to NA28). These were an experimental attempt to more fully spell out Semantic Roles beyond agent, patient, and recipient. These can be mapped over using our mapping between Nestle 1904 and NA28.