Voting app to be used by delegates at the Cardano Consitution Convention in Buenos Aires to ratify the initial constitution. This voting app was commissioned by Intersect.
Description: All the results of voting, information about the voter, and how they voted should be downloadable in csv format at any time.
User Story: As an Obsever I want to download the results in CSV format so that I can audit them
Acceptance Criteria: Given that I am on the page of a delegate or alternate, when I click "Download Votes" button then a CSV of my voting history is downloaded to my device.
Description: All the results of voting, information about the voter, and how they voted should be downloadable in csv format at any time.
User Story: As an Obsever I want to download the results in CSV format so that I can audit them
Acceptance Criteria: Given that I am on the page of a delegate or alternate, when I click "Download Votes" button then a CSV of my voting history is downloaded to my device.