Voting app to be used by delegates at the Cardano Consitution Convention in Buenos Aires to ratify the initial constitution. This voting app was commissioned by Intersect.
Description: This follows #145 and #147. We need the URL and Blake 2b hash in addition to the question to go on-chain somehow, this can either be on each voting message OR in the final message that contains a summary of the results.
User Story: As an Observer I want the hash of the constitution that voters voted on to be immutable so that there can be no suggestion that a nefarious actor has changed the details within the voting app itself after the completion of the vote.
Acceptance Criteria: Given that I am an observer, when I look at the summary results transaction (&/OR each vote message transaction) then I can see the question that was voted on, as well as the url and the hash of the constitution.
Description: This follows #145 and #147. We need the URL and Blake 2b hash in addition to the question to go on-chain somehow, this can either be on each voting message OR in the final message that contains a summary of the results.
User Story: As an Observer I want the hash of the constitution that voters voted on to be immutable so that there can be no suggestion that a nefarious actor has changed the details within the voting app itself after the completion of the vote.
Acceptance Criteria: Given that I am an observer, when I look at the summary results transaction (&/OR each vote message transaction) then I can see the question that was voted on, as well as the url and the hash of the constitution.