ClearVolume / clearvolume

ClearVolume is a real-time live 3D visualization library designed for high-end volumetric microscopes such as SPIM and DLSM microscopes. With ClearVolume you can see live on your screen the stacks acquired by your microscope instead of waiting for offline post-processing to give you an intuitive and comprehensive view on your data.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Mouse panning in the Fiji plugin is weird. #44

Open tinevez opened 8 years ago

tinevez commented 8 years ago

On at least the Fiji plugin, the panning user interaction does not work 'classically'.

With the initial view, if the mouse is dragged (with right click to pan) by an amount x, the view is translated by an amount roughly 2x.

If the view it rotated by 90º before panning, the panning (along X for instance) does not take rotation into account, and still pan along the X axis of the object, rather than the X axis of the view.

I guess the mouse coordinates are being transformed to object referential rather than view referential?

nicost commented 8 years ago

One vote for the issue concerning panning around the object axis rather than the view axis!