ClearVolume / clearvolume

ClearVolume is a real-time live 3D visualization library designed for high-end volumetric microscopes such as SPIM and DLSM microscopes. With ClearVolume you can see live on your screen the stacks acquired by your microscope instead of waiting for offline post-processing to give you an intuitive and comprehensive view on your data.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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I'd like to get an object slicer working #58

Open Tafnab opened 7 years ago

Tafnab commented 7 years ago

This is more a a feature request. I really love the rendering engine, but I need to emphasize certain structures while looking the things in front of it. In most software, this is called a slicer, where a 2D image is held up behind the 3D image. I'm not looking for a clipping plane. Do you think it's possible to do this with ClearView inside Fiji? If it doesn't exist yet, is there a piece of code I can use to start such a thing?

Also, just some general notes, the ClearVolume plugin works great on a Quadro 4200 but not a Quadro 5000 (Win 7 x64 for both).

adibrov commented 7 years ago

Hi Tafnab!

I am about to begin a new module that would allow one to define sectioning planes and their rendering (2D) along with the 3D volume. Is that what you are looking for? I was thinking of doing it in a separate window though, so it won't be held "behind" the 3D object but in a separate window instead. If it is a strong requirement, I can try to implement this too.

Cheers, Alex

Tafnab commented 7 years ago

The reason we want it put behind the 3D volume is because I'm trying to clear up the image. With these complicated data sets that are full of intensity, it's hard to see through the cloud. By putting a slicer behind things you can hopefully force the eye to see intense structures and have the cloud be an appendage of the structure. If I could also suggest using separate color & transparency settings for the slicer. The other problem we're having (with other software) is that when you adjust things so you can see through the cloud of the 3D volume, you can no longer see the slicer because its colors have also been made more transparent. I'd love to help, but I couldn't even get the stock ClearVolume to build. I'll try again if you're interested in having help.