Open watsonjr opened 2 years ago
Round 1 Iteration:
So just an integer number (no percent sign) of this size, filling out the donut center. Thank you!
[x] Cyan Risk Tab: make the timeseries plot taller (maybe increase it by 1.5x), and have less empty space at the bottom of the tab.
[x] Cyan Risk Tab: title of timeseries plot, change to "See where you are in the season (click on the blue line to explore previous predictions):"
[x] Cyan risk Tab: have as a default the latest blue vertical line denoting the previous forecast on the timeseries (i.e., so that I don't have to click on it to bring it up). Move the "current" text to the right of the orange line.
A few more:
Task 1:
[x] Satellite maps updated to 2022
[x] Currently, the time selector doesn't let us go past 2021.
[x] CyAN Satellite maps up and running similar to the chl-a maps The CyAN data comes at a far coarser spatial scale than the chl-a, so the hexbins might need to be examined for how they represent these data.
[x] Use updated chl-a values in the chl-a maps We're moving to new values (their log(X+1) where X are the previous values).
[ ] Automate the colorscale setting using bounds from John John has put in the min and max values to represent the blues and reds in the satellite map colorscales. These values should be in the metadata, for both chl-a and CyAN. Use these to setup the colorbar scale, and examine the satellite images on the dashboard: we're looking for summer times with lots of reds, winters times with lots of blues, and spring and fall periods with nice gradients in colors.
[x] Better timeslider on timeseries For all timeseries tabs (i.e., weather, water sample and streamgage tabs) have as default a really long chosen timeperiod in the time selector. This helps users identify that the time selector really is a time selector.
[x] Add Sunlight and winds on the weather tab Use either radio or subtabs to delineate between instantaneous and cumulative charts.
[x] USGS Use subtabs to delineate between instantaneous and cumulative charts.
[x] Cyan risk tab: add pie charts to the centre of the donuts James will need to updated the popout text... talk with James about it and live code together.
[x] Cyan risk tab: change right y-axis to historical expectation, and color y-axis label red We've talked about this, and John has gotten you the new data. Talk with me if there is any ambiguity. Change the right axis label to "Historical expectation".
[x] Cyan risk tab: change "Historical forecast" to "Previous forecast" over the left donut Also, change the left y-axis label on timeseries to "Previous forecast for the year" and use blue font. If you do so, we can remove the legend on the bottom.
[x] Cyan risk tab: current forecast line on timeseries Make this link reach the height of the figure (i.e., extend it to 100%) and maybe make it a little thinner.
[x] Cyan risk tab: current forecast line on timeseries
[x] Cyan risk tab: "Click on blue line below to select date" Clean this up... i.e., maybe make smaller font, left justified?