A Discord bot for server management with an emphasis on modularity and configuration. If you have an idea or a feature you would like to contribute feel free to open an issue and we as a community can begin discussion.
Title says it all. This might be a bit of a niche case but the idea is for servers with large numbers of private channels to be able to quickly designate a role or user (e.g. moderators of officers) with the permissions to view all private channels.
My thought is this would basically loop through the list of channels and give the user or role the permissions to view and send messages in all of them. There could potentially be parameters to specify how much access to give them.
Something like:
!viewall <role/user>
Thoughts? Is there already a good way or a better way to do this?
Title says it all. This might be a bit of a niche case but the idea is for servers with large numbers of private channels to be able to quickly designate a role or user (e.g. moderators of officers) with the permissions to view all private channels.
My thought is this would basically loop through the list of channels and give the user or role the permissions to view and send messages in all of them. There could potentially be parameters to specify how much access to give them.
Something like:
!viewall <role/user>
Thoughts? Is there already a good way or a better way to do this?