ClemensElflein / open_mower_ros

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Dev Container? #109

Closed jeremysalwen closed 1 month ago

jeremysalwen commented 2 months ago

Does anyone have a dev container they use for development? I tried repurposing the included dockerfile, but I found a ton of gotchas that have still prevented it from working for me.

ClemensElflein commented 2 months ago

I have pushed my setup, you can look at the devenv folder which contains a dockerized ros-noetic-desktop full install.

You should be able to:

git clone --recursive
cd open_mower_ros/devenv

and then inside the bash compile

cd /workspace && catkin_make

I don't use VS code, but writing a compatible devcontainer.json should be fairly straightforward from this.

I hope it helps.

ClemensElflein commented 2 months ago

Also GUI tools like RVIZ and plotjuggler should work out of the box with this.