Cleric-K / vJoySerialFeeder

Feed Virtual Joystick driver with data from a serial port
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Import/Export config. #10

Closed Snille closed 6 years ago

Snille commented 6 years ago

It would be nice to be able to import and export the config some how. To be able to move it between computers and/or re installation of the system. Also, comparability between operating systems would be great, export from Windows, import in to Linux. Obviously you will have to select the "serial port" when the import is done. But you would get all the mappings of the axis and buttons. :)

Cleric-K commented 6 years ago

Yes, that will be nice. It will take me some more time which I'll be able to spare probably only next week, because there are some things to be thought of.

These are some small details to be taken care of, but I'll need some more time.

In the meanwhile, if you really need it, you can approach the problem "manually". On Windows go to <User Folder>/AppData/Local/vJoySerialFeeder. There look in the subfolders. You'll find user.config. It is a xml file actually and you need the <setting name="config" serializeAs="String"><value> ..... </value></settings> element.

On Windows there is different user.config for every different folder where you have vJoySerialFeeder.exe. If you move it to another folder you'll start with blank config. There are different configs for different exe versions also.

On linux look at `~/.local/share/vJoySerialFeeder.../

On Windows it should work if you copy the whole user.config around, but if you copy it to linux machine it might not work. You'll need to copy-paste the <value> element only.

Snille commented 6 years ago

Thank you for taking the time for this. I would say this is a "Nice to have" feature. So you work on it when ever you feel like it. :)

On the export part. I would say export all profiles.

And for the import part. Import all and just add a number in the "profile-name" if the profile exists. The "user" then have the option to rename and delete the profiles he/she does not want. It's better to have it all in there then loose stuff. :)

Regarding the "versioning", I don't really know. :) Maybe make it so that all new "config" options that are missing in the "import" just gets added automatically with default values on all profiles...

Snille commented 6 years ago

Tested on one machine and it works great, thank you. Great work!