ClericPy / ichrome

Chrome controller for Humans, based on Chrome Devtools Protocol(CDP) and python3.7+.
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--proxy failed for auth proxy #86

Closed ClericPy closed 2 years ago

ClericPy commented 2 years ago

Some proxy have the auth information like: http://username:password@host:port

ClericPy commented 2 years ago

Standard Chrome CDP didn't support that type of proxy, so we should get a solution from Fetch.enable

async def handler(tab: AsyncTab):
    async with tab.iter_fetch(
            'urlPattern': '*',
            'requestStage': 'Request'
    ) as f:
        async for i in f:
            if i['method'] == 'Fetch.authRequired':
                await f.continueWithAuth(
                await f.continueRequest(i)

To filter those requests of proxy auth required, check the Fetch.AuthChallenge and find the source==Proxy

PS: Fetch context could not be used twice in the same tab.

ClericPy commented 2 years ago

Or use gost

gost -L -F

port-forwarding proxy for chrome, python3 -m ichrome --proxy=

ClericPy commented 1 year ago

./gost -L=user:pwd@

import asyncio

from ichrome import AsyncChromeDaemon

async def main():
    async with AsyncChromeDaemon(proxy='',
                                 headless=1) as cd:
        async with cd.connect_tab() as tab:
            await tab.pass_auth_proxy('user', 'pwd')
            await tab.goto('', timeout=2)
            print(await tab.html)
why2lyj commented 1 year ago

Windows环境好像不支持 https 的 auth proxy

ClericPy commented 1 year ago

Windows环境好像不支持 https 的 auth proxy

没试 https 的代理, 实在不行就走 gost 转发算了, 折腾不动了

why2lyj commented 1 year ago

Windows环境好像不支持 https 的 auth proxy

没试 https 的代理, 实在不行就走 gost 转发算了, 折腾不动了


ClericPy commented 1 year ago

Windows环境好像不支持 https 的 auth proxy

没试 https 的代理, 实在不行就走 gost 转发算了, 折腾不动了


啥方法啊... 上面的评论是我所有尝试的手段了..

why2lyj commented 1 year ago

我更正一下,可能是IPv6的auth proxy不支持,IPv4的auth proxy可以。因为我用得代理很特殊。

ClericPy commented 1 year ago

我更正一下,可能是IPv6的auth proxy不支持,IPv4的auth proxy可以。因为我用得代理很特殊。

原生 chrome 命令行的 proxy 就只支持 http 不支持 https, 而且还不支持带 http basic auth 的, 更别说 ipv6 了, 用 gost 直接丢子进程里转发算了